
Diabetes mellitusis associated with high level of blood sugar.Insulin produced by the pancreas lowers blood glucose. Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are important types in Diabetes mellitus. It is also called insulin-dependent diabetes (IDDM) or juvenile diabetes, because type 1 diabetes usually develops in children and teenagers, though it can develop at any age and is characterized by a severe deficiency in insulin secretion. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a common form of diabetes mellitus that develops especially in adults and most often in obese individuals and it is characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from impaired insulin utilization with the body’s inability to compensate with increased insulin production. Symptoms are excessively thirst, frequent urination, feeling tired and lethargic, always feeling hungry, having cuts that heal slowly, skin infections with itching, blurred vision, gradually increasing of weight. Homoeopathy can be used effectively in the treatment of diabetes. Here we mainly concentrate on functioning of the pancreas in efficient insulin production. It is also known as experienced medicine because all the medicines that are used on the patients are subjected to Human trial and assured of its safety even in infants. The medicines are being used for over two centuries and not even one instance of adverse drug reaction has ever been reported. Constitutional remedies acts deeper into the system and correct the inherent disorder of the individual. If patients with Diabetes take this constitutional remedy, it will not only help to control his sugar metabolic process, but also the tissue to absorb and assimilate the sugar and try to make other organs function perfectly.
Best Homoeopathic remedies for Diabetes:
Syzygium Jambolanum:A most useful remedy in diabetes mellitus. No other remedy causes in so marked degree the diminution and disappearance of sugar in the urine. Prickly heat in upper part of the body, small red pimples itch violently. Great thirst, weakness, emaciation. Very large amounts of urine. Diabetic ulceration. Syzygium Jambolanum has marked action on diabetes mellitus as it causes marked diminution of sugar in urine. Great thirst with weakness, emaciation in spite of proper nutritious diet. Profuse urination of high specific gravity. Small red pimples with much itching. Syzygium Jambolanum also helps in treating old ulcers of skin associated with diabetes mellitus. Syzygium Jambolanum is among the best natural Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. It acts promptly and efficiently in decreasing the sugar levels. Excessive thirst and excessive urination are always present in the patient. Homeopathic medicine Syzygium Jambolanum also gives wonderful results in treatment of long-standing ulcers in a diabetic patient.
Abroma Augusta:It is the top natural Homeopathic medicine to treat Diabetes Mellitus. It is highly recommended in those patients who are losing flesh and suffer from extreme weakness due to Diabetes Mellitus. The patients who can greatly benefit from this Homeopathic medicine have an increased thirst with dryness of mouth. They also have an increased appetite and the urination is very frequent day and night. Excessive weakness is felt after urination. Homeopathic medicine Abroma Augusta is also of great help in treating sleeplessness in a person with Diabetes. Diabetes with carbuncles with burning sensation in the whole body is a prominent general symptom that can be found in persons requiring Abroma Augusta.

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